Thursday, November 26, 2009


Ironically, on this day of giving thanks, I started my period. Of course. Well, actually it's just spotting with fetal position inducing cramps, but you know. Guess there's no avoiding that surgery now. Moving on to the next step.

I started my chinese herbs, and all I can say is wow. They're a bitch to swallow. It's sort of a thick liquid that is oh so bitter. My husband holds my hand and my nose, counts it down, and I try to chug it. Ugh.

However, we did spend a very pleasant day with my husband's family. I love to cook, so everyone made contributed. We took the dogs with us, and I went for a walk to the park with my nephew, nieces, and the dogs. I only felt a little sad for a brief period. Mostly it was just fun. It's also hard because I live across the country from my family and don't get to see them as often as I'd like.

Overall, I feel as good as can be expected. I am thankful for my wonderful husband, my precious animals, and loving friends and family. I am also thankful for the food induced coma I am about to slip into....

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