Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Today I had my preop appointment with my RE. We went over everything he would be doing during the surgery. So, it will be a lap and a hysteroscopy. The only thing that surprised me a little was that he wanted my permission to remove my tube(s) if they were blocked at both ends and filled with fluid since that could interfere with IVF in the future and could also cause me future problems with pain, etc. This is fine with me, as I know that can cause problems with IVF, but the thought of actually not having a tube or tubes....well it's a little disconcerting. If that's the case, there would not be any chance of a miracle happening, ever. I've just got to let go of my messed up tube if I have to. Funny how we want to hold onto hope of any kind.

For some unknown reason, I thought I would just be talking to the doctor today. Silly me. No, I had to have the full exam. Vaginal, ultrasound, breast, the works. I had a moment of modesty today when I realized I was having a breast exam. Because, you know, the doctor's only seen my lady parts countless times, but for some reason I was feeling shy about the boobs. Weird.

Lately I've been thinking about all the things that happen to animals when I put them under anesthesia, and hoping that I don't do anything embarrassing. Guess I'll never know since I'll be asleep. My husband is freaking out about the nothing to eat or drink after midnight. He thinks we need to go have a meal at 11pm. Eating is real important to him. I keep telling him I'll be fine, when I get nervous I'm not very hungry anyway, but I don't think he's buying it. He's already bought me all kinds of goodies for after the surgery.

I also had acupuncture today. There is no end in sight for the hideous herbs. I thought maybe I'd get used to them and it would get easier, but it's not happening. Some of my acupuncture points were extra painful today. I wonder if it makes a difference when you are tense and nervous. I need to work on meditating and relaxing. Only 2 days to go!

1 comment:

  1. good luck Jenny... I hope it all goes ok and we will be thinking of you here out in cyberspace...
